FRIPWEAR is a universe, which links circular economy, reuse, affordable prices, work creation and culture with a big « C »; whether it is urban, art, popular or slow. You can find carefully selected second-hand clothes, and also live cultural experiences such as concerts, exhibitions and other artistic meetings and performances.

« We live the city of today, we work the city of tomorrow, where utility and pleasure, commerce and ethics only make sense in balance. »

Two to three times a year, for periods ranging from 1 to 2 months, we install « The Boutique » as a pop-up store in a neighborhood of the city.
Throughout the year, we occupy a small workshop, « The Factory » within a temporary occupancy space, in which we produce videos and organize upcycling and collaborations.

These activities allow us to be present and active on the internet thanks to our digital communication strategy and to organize and communicate upstream on the launch and the opening period of the store.

Carried by an ideal of collective management and social economy, we wish to develop activities which can mutually finance and promote themselves, in an autonomous way.